The Scottish Indian Arts Forum (SIAF) was incorporated in August 1994 to encourage greater understanding and participation of the Indian cultural heritage in Scotland, aiming at stimulating and advancing active citizenship and community cohesion that is built on dignity and respect for all diverse cultural identities.
SIAF was initiated by a dedicated group of professional volunteers who shared the passion and desire to encourage links between Indian and Scottish diverse cultures at several levels including support and understanding through the promotion of arts, dance and music programs, workshops and events at local and national level.
In brief, Scottish Indian Arts Forum is established not only to empower and facilitate support to the Indian community but also to work with diverse communities and stakeholders to ensure that the Indian community is empowered through celebrating and advancing their cultural heritage as part of their uniqueness while moving towards enhancing their inclusive national identity as equal and active citizen in Scotland.
Our objectives are:
Advancement of performing arts, traditions, dance and music, learning activities that celebrate diverse Indian culture and heritage; through organising and delivering exhibitions and festivals, musical and otherwise
Advance equality for and among diverse communities through celebrating cultural diversity and arts to progressing equal citizenship and strengthening bonds among all community constituents
Advancement of education, through conducting / facilitating research; through provision of music, art and dance events and classes; performing arts; capacity building and mentoring programs involving arts and culture experts and professionals.
Advancement of citizenship and community development through organising and delivering community/ local and national events aimed at creating and strengthening social ties through celebrating arts and sharing cultural heritage.
SIAF, is volunteer led and community-based ethnic minority organization managed by an Executive Committee comprising professionals from diverse fields, who are fully committed to advancing the arts and cultural heritage for the diverse Indian community while enhancing their equal participation, active citizenship and cultural identity.